Awakened Mind Meditations for Creativity & Flow

People use the Awakened Mind (at left) to access the wisdom of the essential being, discover their powers and strengths, resolve issues, and heal their minds and lives.  


These active, working meditations, geared to self-discovery, self-healing, and personal transformation, will guide you to evolutionary insights you can use to create the fulfilling life you want and need. 


While deeply engaged in these meditations, find an internal landmark (a word, image, concept, or body sensation) that represents the feeling of this awakened and expanded awareness. Re-create this landmark during meditation and in your daily life to shift back into this ideal brainwave pattern: an open flow of clarity, creativity, insight, intuition, and spiritual connection. Neuroplasticity will wire this coherent unity with yourself and others into your brain and mind. Soon this ideal consciousness will become your way of life.


This pattern is the foundation of and a portal to all higher states of awareness. It amplifies into the Evolved Mind of unity consciousness and provides excellent grounding for the gamma frequencies of the Superconscious Mind.



Contraindications: Aside from the Beingness album, the psychospiritual meditations in this deep-state category are not recommended for people with a history of mental illness and/or severe emotional trauma. Should alpha-theta meditation training stir overwhelming feelings, we recommend that you contact a psychotherapist or a certified Awakened Mind Consciousness Trainer for assistance and guidance. 



Anna Wise & Judith Pennington


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Besides amplifying your alpha, these entertaining and deeply insightful meditations will make a tangible difference in your life. Four “beingness” meditations—the classic Animal Sensualization, The Magic Potion, and Plant/Tree Sensualization by Anna Wise, and The Book by Judith Pennington—will usher you across the alpha bridge into theta for self-discovery and connection with your essential being.


Arrange your qualities and characteristics in short “I am” statements and repeat them daily to power up your alpha and your life on cellular and quantum levels. Each experience will be a new one relevant to that time in your life. Repeated practice will make your imagery sharper and more vivid, with more of your inner senses and creative imagination enlivened and engaged.


·       Animal Sensualization. Your subconscious reveals the strengthens of your essential being and animates them in your life. 12:03 minutes.


·       The Magic Potion. Concept by Anna Wise, script by Judith Pennington. As this magic potion, how are you used? And what is your purpose? 15:05 minutes.


·       Plant/Tree Sensualization. How deep are your roots, and what makes you strong? 12:59 minutes.


·       The Book, by Judith Pennington. What does the book contain? Who reads it? 9:46 minutes. 



Paths of Mastery

By Anna Wise


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These advanced Awakened Mind meditations are designed to help meditators clear blocks that obstruct personal integration and evolution. Qualities of Mastery invites you to embody the characteristics of the Awakened Mind. Your Evolutionary Path will help you discern how to move forward on your personal evolutionary path. 


These meditations are presented in Seminar 3 of the Practitioner Training Program. All tracks are accompanied by quiet, subtle Awakened Mind music with beta, alpha, theta, and delta binaural beats. 


·        Finding the Block. Get in touch with the block and make it tangible. 13:32 minutes.


·        Healing the Block. Dialogue with it, find out what it needs, and transform or heal it. 22:43 minutes.


·        Inner Child Meditation. Heal your wounded inner child in order to be healthy and whole. 26:05 minutes.


·        Your Evolutionary Path. What lies ahead of you, and what are your next steps? 26:23 minutes. 


·        The Qualities of Mastery. Give yourself these qualities and embody them. 24:12 minutes.




By Anna Wise


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Anna Wise’s consummate creativity meditations take the muse out of snooze. Descend into your subconscious to obtain practical insights and solutions to life challenges and creative projects. Practice these meditations to access creative flow at will. Each track is accompanied by quiet, subtle music with binaural beats that support creative awakening.



·       Creativity Circle. Descend into theta, allow the creativity to surface, and put it to work. 15:23 minutes.


·       Exercise Yo’ Game. Discover solutions to a creative project or endeavor. Have pen and paper or crayons and markers at hand. Guide yourself through the process a second time. 14:06 minutes. 


·       House of Doors II. Open the Challenges and Solutions doors for problem-solving creativity and insight.     33:38 minutes.


Pure Consciousness

By Judith Pennington


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These meditations by Judith Pennington focus on inner healing as the pathway to spiritual awareness and enlightenment. Forgive and let go of the past with Gifts to the Altar and Pure Consciousness. Ride 40-hertz gamma waves up to the celestial Timeline to clear imprints from the past and rewrite your life, with gamma support by audio technologist Bob Holbrook of The Monroe Institute. All three tracks feature exquisitely beautiful, heart-opening music by Christopher Lloyd Clarke of Enlightened Audio.


·       Gifts to the Altar. A simple and potent forgiveness exercise for releasing incoherent energy on the cellular and atomic levels. Music: A Soothing Caress. 19:45 minutes.


·       The Timeline. Rise up to the timeline’s colored spheres and change your life. Music: Ascension. Contains 40Hz gamma frequencies delivered through Spatial Angle Modulation technology. 40:00 minutes.   


·       Pure Consciousness. Liberate yourself and rise into the light of pure consciousness. Music: Letting Go.    33:58 minutes.